Smartpost Itella: Parcel volumes in Estonia have topped pre-Christmas levels

  • 2021-03-22
  • BNS/TBT Staff

TALLINN – The closure of shopping malls and a continuous increase in e-commerce in Estonia have made parcel handling volumes hit new records, with volumes now topping even the levels seen before Christmas, Smartpost Itella said on Monday.

The company said it is working at full capacity and requested clients to go and pick up their parcels at the earliest opportunity. Parcel volumes have been increasing gradually since March 8 and have now hit levels higher than before the Christmas holidays, which is normally peak season in the parcel delivery business. 

"We are working at full capacity at the moment but have experienced no difficulties with deliveries, as we prepared ourselves for the new restrictions and an increase in parcel handling volumes early," Rauno Parras, head of the parcel business unit at Itella, said in a press release.

"Parcel stations are filled several times a day, and the faster clients come to pick up their parcel, the faster we can leave the package of the next client in the vacated locker," he added.

Parras emphasized that Smartpost's parcel stations continue to be open both at shopping malls and next to grocery stores, even though the stores situated in shopping malls are predominantly closed.

He also stressed that the company is using all precautions to minimize the risk of coronavirus being transmitted with parcels or at parcel terminals.

"All our workers regularly disinfect their hands before and after coming into contact with parcels, couriers wear masks, and we also have increased the frequency of cleaning of our parcel terminals," Parras added.