RIGA - The State Security Service on Monday launched a criminal investigation into anti-Latvian activities on Telegram channels started by persons who call themselves "Baltic anti-fascists", LETA was told at the Revenue Service.
On these Telegram channels, the activists are gathering information on Latvian state officials and other public figures whose activities they perceive as harmful to Russia's interests. The activists also post sensitive data like persons' addresses of residence and information about their relatives.
The so-called "anti-fascists" are gathering the sensitive information to turn it over to Russian security services and other authorities of the aggressor state.
The State Security Service has opened the criminal probe in accordance with a section of the Criminal Law on anti-Latvian activities.
According to information obtained the Security Service, the persons involved in these anti-Latvian activities are Latvian citizens currently residing in Russia.
The Security Service believes that Russian authorities are using these people for propaganda purposes and influence campaigns against Latvia. The main goal of these activities is to influence public opinion and decision-making in Latvia by exerting psychological pressure on Latvian officials and other public figures who have been publicly denouncing Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine.
The Security Service has established the identities of the Latvian citizens involved in said activities on Telegram channels. They will be held to account if and when they arrive in Latvia.
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