More free WiFi spots in Vilnius

  • 2013-03-20

VILNIUS - More free WiFi internet access is available to Vilnius residents and visitors. Hotspots include the Cathedral Square, Vokieciu Street, the Teacher's House courtyard, Sirvydo Square, Moniuskos Square, the White Bridge rest area and the Europos Square. Expansions of this free coverage are planned, Vilnius Municipality reports.

"I am thrilled that not only do we have the fastest Internet, but we now also have open spaces where we can access it for free. In Vilnius, as is the case in many other European capitals, the amount of people using smartphones and tablets is rapidly increasing. We need the internet every day," said Vilnius Mayor Arturas Zuokas.

According to wireless provider Cgates Director Paulius Dambrauskas, the hotspots in Vilnius will provide service no slower than 2 mb/s, which should be enough not just for emails, but for browsing, social media, and video content as well.