Ghost Hunters find Karosta Jail most haunted

  • 2009-03-10
  • TBT Staff
LIEPAJA - The Ghost HuntersInternational team after its expedition to Karosta jail in Liepaja, have said that it is one of the mosthaunted places in the world.

Liepaja tourist information center head Monta Krafte told The Baltic News Service that the filmabout Karosta jail made by Ghost Hunters International recently was demonstratedon US SciFi TV channel.

The ghost hunters said in the programthat Karosta jail showed the highest activity of paranormal phenomena they haveever seen in their expeditions. The team reported managing to contact ghosts --hear, feel and see them, and record their presence with their specialequipment.

Krafte said that the popularity of thejail might increase as well as the number of foreign visitors to Liepaja after the TV showand the team of the jail is preparing a new excursion program on the basis ofthe ghost hunters' story.

A group of 16 experts for GhostHunters International arrived in Liepajain February to study paranormal phenomena in Karosta jail for US SciFi TVchannel. The TV channel is broadcast in the US but it is available also on theInternet. The TV audience in the US alone is over three millionpeople.