RIGA- In an effort to voice their negative views regarding the proposed tax increase, citizens on January 13 at 17:30 are holding a protest in Doma Square.
In addition, citizens are rallying against the proposed growth hormone GMO. A survey put out by the Ministry of the Enviroment ask citizens if they would approve of GMO being used in animal food, or produce and if they would purchased these genetically modified substances. Thus far, the response has been negative.
The Ministry of Agriculture along with Martins Roze at the head are activily seeking approval from the public and the state to begin growing genetically modified foods. However, the Ministry of the Environment is strongly against this proposal and is asking citizens for their response.
For more information and to view the questions of the survey, visit: http://www.vidm.gov.lv/lat/aptauja/vairakjautajumu_aptauja