RIGA - The Latvian security police have launched a criminalinvestigation over a call to stage a violent revolt on Jan. 13, when massprotests are expected to take place in Riga, a police representative told the Baltic News Service.
Following reports about a call for violent riots and a coup on Jan. 13that has been posted on an Internet website, the security police havelaunched a probe over a public appeal to overthrow state authorityestablished by the Constitution or to change the political system byviolent means, and distribution of materials to that end.
According to the Baltic News Service, the criminal probe has beenlaunched over the appeal posted at www.nostarsaeimu.times.lv
"We urge all capacitated residents of Latvia to take part in the January13 rally in Dome Square at 5.30 p.m and in a violent toppling of thegovernment. Let's gather at around 5.30 p.m. in Dome Square and head tothe parliament building on 11 Jekaba Street armed with petrol bombs,pitchforks and tractors," the statement said.
"The president from the zoo [a reference to the fact that the candidacy ofLatvia's incumbent President Valdis Zatlers was agreed among Latvia'spolicymakers at the Riga Zoo] has already said he would not dissolve theparliament. Karlis Ulmanis [former Latvian president who came to power ina coup in the 1930s] was the only one in Latvia's history to do what apresident must do -- to stage a coup. How long will they be buildinglibraries instead of nursery schools?" the statement says.
Farmers are called to arrive for the rally with tractors for blockingstreets to the parliament building to prevent police from accessing theparliament building. Farmers could also distribute pitchforks and othertools that could be used as makeshift weapons to people.
"We are calling on policemen and soldiers to feel part of the people thatthe ruling clique has just humiliated by cutting jobs and wages, while notforgetting to pay bonuses to themselves. We urge you not to turn againstyour own people, but to participate in and support the violent coup."
"You got it right, we are calling for riots and a violent coup on Jan.13," authors of the statement said using an expletive against securitypolice to mock its inability to find the still unidentified organizers.
Police declined to provide more details, citing investigation interests.
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