Director: Christopher Nolan
Bottom line up front, folks: Christopher Nolan didn't do a bad job with "Batman Begins," but if you could put it in the ring with "The Dark Knight," you'd see a no-contest first-round knockout by TDK.
If it were any more awesome, they would have had to stop making Batman movies forever, lest they spoil the greatness that once was. When the film had finally finished, it took every bit of willpower I could muster not to turn around and see it again. No matter how many ways I put it, there is one thing you must understand: This is a must-see.
If you're unfamiliar with the Batman series, or just unsure of what is happening at this juncture, allow me to bring you up to speed. Currently, Batman is on his way out, seeking to give the care of Gotham into the able and legal hands of one Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart). Harvey Dent is Gotham's district attorney, bent on cleaning the streets of Gotham of organized crime 's and he's quite good at it. This, of course, doesn't sit well with the mob bosses, and that's where the Joker comes in. Batman's main adversary is the Joker, but he must also contend with Two-Face, some mob henchmen and, briefly, an accountant from Bruce Wayne's own company.
All of the actors shine in the film. Even though Christian Bale isn't my ideal Batman, he fills the part well enough. Maggie Gyllenhaal was a great replacement for Katie Holmes, and as far as I'm concerned it was to the benefit of the movie that Holmes didn't take the part. However, Heath Ledger pretty much stole the show in what is, in my opinion, the greatest portrayal of the Joker 's ever. He's not the funny, snide Joker that Jack Nicholson played in the first Batman movie, but more of the polar opposite: a scheming, dirty-fighting maniac who has no problem letting everyone join him in the twisted thoughts that run through his head. If he doesn't creep you out when you watch this movie 's which you really should do as soon as possible 's you might want to get evaluated yourself. (You might not want to bring young children to this one.) While I do miss the happy-go-lucky Joker, Ledger clearly poured his heart and soul into this role, and I fear that anyone who comes after will almost certainly fall very far short.
Graphically, the movie is outstanding. The Batmobile got an upgrade yet again and is looking as badass as ever, though this time it comes with a modular motorcycle taking the place of the driver's side wheels. Everything, from the largest pyrotechnics to the smallest costuming detail, is drawn to a T. There are no small fights to be seen here, either 's be it bloody-knuckled interrogation of the Joker or the chase scene and the burning of Gotham that you saw in the movie trailers, all of it is edge-of-your-seat action. Christopher Nolan paced the movie so well that I didn't even notice how long it was: 152 minutes. There aren't any opening credits or a title screen, either. That's two and a half hours of awesome movie.
I don't want to spoil any of the surprises for you, but be advised: There are twists, and there are turns, and it will be a bumpy ride, but you will enjoy every minute of it. You might even feel a bit guilty that you didn't pay more to see such an amazing movie.
Now showing in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.