RIGA 's The Baltic capitals offer relatively good prospects for jobseekers, but relatively bad ones for anyone looking for reasonably-priced accommodation, according to a new survey from the European Union's statistics office, Eurostat.
In Tallinn, 45 percent of people surveyed agreed that it is easy to find a good job in the Estonian capital, compared with 42 percent of Rigans and 37 percent of Vilnius' residents. The most job-friendly city in Europe emerged as Prague (75 percent) while only 3 percent of people in Palermo, Sicily think they can easily find employment.
However, having got a job, Balts then face problems finding somewhere to live according to another section of the same survey.
Only 19 percent of people in Tallinn, 18 percent of those in Vilnius and 11 percent of Riga residents think they can easily find good housing at a reasonable price.
The good burghers of Leipzig have a different experience, with 78 percent of them feeling that good value accommodation is no problem, while at the other extreme just 3 percent of Parisians feel the same way.
The survey was based on samples of 500 respondents in 75 of Europe's major cities conducted during 2006.