UPPSALA - The Speakers of the Nordic and Balticparliaments are to hold their annual meeting in Uppsala 21-23 August.
The get-together will be the first time that Per Westerberg, the Swedish Speaker, hashosted the meeting. The agenda includes the Nordic Council, the role ofthe national parliaments in relation to the EU Commission and jointinitiatives to build democracy in Georgia, Moldavia and Ukraine.
The Speakers will also debate how muchconfidence the public has in their parliaments along with ProfessorSoren Holmberg of Gothenburg University.
ChristianMejdahl (Denmark), Ene Ergma (Estonia), Sauli Niinistö (Finland), HelgiBernódusson (Iceland), Endulis Emsis (Latvia), Viktoras Muntianas(Lithuania) and Thorbjörn Jagland (Norway) have all confirmed their attendance.