Estonian Police: Constitution Party managed from Russia

  • 2007-05-18
  • From wire reports
Estonia's national security police have said that the nation's Constitution Party, which ran but did not win any seats in the March parliamentary elections, is managed and financed by the Russian authorities and is a project to undermine and act against Estonia. The statement was made in the police's yearbook and reported May 18.

"It is a peculiar combination that is striving to represent the entire Russian-speaking population of Estonia, yet its main financiers and ideological supporters are diplomats from the Russian embassy in Tallinn, various departments of the Moscow city government, Russian media, and various contacts of Russian special services," the security police's yearbook says.

The police claim Russia has been backing the party clandestinely through funding for cultural projects and other events.

"By written application from the Russian embassy, the Constitution Party would seek additional money from authorities in Moscow as well as from Russian businessmen in Estonia," the yearbook said

The party is mainly supported by the Russian-speaking minority, but received only 5.470 votes in this year's elections. A far greater portion of Russian-speakers in Estonia support the Center Party, chaired by current Tallinn mayor Edgar Savisaar.