European Parliament resolution on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War on May 8, 1945.
The European Parliament, having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. commemorating the anniversary of the ending of World War II in Europe on 8 May 1945 as a consequence of the capitulation of Nazi Germany,
B. commemorating and mourning all the victims of Nazi tyranny,
C. commemorating in particular all the victims of the Holocaust,
D. commemorating and mourning the loss of all the victims of the war on all sides as a common European tragedy,
E. grateful to all those who contributed to the liberation from National Socialism, a system based on inhumanity and tyranny, symbolized by this May 8, 1945,
F. paying special tribute to all those allied forces who sacrificed their lives and to those nations, especially the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the other allied states, that fought the war against Nazism and fascism, and grateful to those nations who strongly supported the re-establishment of freedom and democracy in most of the western part of our continent,
G. remembering that for some nations the end of World War II meant renewed tyranny inflicted by the Stalinist Soviet Union,
H. aware of the magnitude of the suffering, injustice and long-term social, political and economic degradation endured by the captive nations located on the eastern side of what was to become the Iron Curtain,
I. acknowledging the success of the Central and Eastern European nations in establishing the rule of law and respect for human rights following the democratic revolutions in which they overthrew the communist regimes and liberated themselves,
J. regarding the success of the European integration process and the transatlantic alliance, and the peace and prosperity they have brought, as a forceful answer to the lessons learned from past misfortunes and failures,
1. Highlights the importance of keeping the memories of the past alive, because there cannot be reconciliation without truth and remembrance; emphasizes at the same time that only a strong Europe can offer a means of overcoming the atrocities of the past;
2. Expresses respect for, and pays tribute to, all who fought against tyranny, and particularly those who became its victims;
3. Renews its commitment to a peaceful and prosperous Europe founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights;
4. Confirms its united stand against all totalitarian rule of whatever ideological persuasion;
5. Welcomes this first opportunity to commemorate the anniversary with elected Members from all 25 European Union countries as an expression of the ever closer union of our nations and citizens, who have overcome the divisions between aggressors and victims and between victors and defeated, an occasion to share and combine our remembrances on the way to a truly common European memory and an opportunity to prevent recurrences of nationalism and totalitarian rule;
6. Welcomes the fact that the Central and Eastern European states and peoples can now also enjoy freedom and the right to determine their destiny after so many decades under Soviet domination or occupation or other communist dictatorships; welcomes German unification and the fact that ten of the Central and Eastern European states have joined, or will soon join, the European Union;
7. Stresses that the process of European integration has helped to overcome almost all post-war dictatorships on the European continent, both in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and in Spain, Portugal and Greece;
8. Declares that the process of European integration and the further development of the European Union as a model of peace are the result of a free decision by the people to determine their own destiny and commit themselves to a shared future;
9. Declares that, under the Helsinki Agreements, no country has the right to decide on the destiny of another country;
10. Calls on all countries to open their archives pertaining to World War II;
11. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the parliaments of the Member States, the governments and parliaments of the Candidate Countries, the governments and parliaments of the countries associated with the European Union, the governments and parliaments of the Members of the Council of Europe and the United States Congress.