Largest manoeuvres since the Cold War will increase security in Latvia - expert

  • 2024-01-29
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - NATO manoeuvres, which will be the largest ones since the Cold War, will also increase security in Latvia, military analyst Martins Verdins said in an interview with the commercial TV3 television today.

He stressed that these exercises are a signal that NATO countries are capable of operating with large forces, capable of conducting joint exercises and acting together.

Verdins pointed out that the exercise would be truly ambitious. "90,000. That is nine divisions ready to go at the same time," the analyst said, noting that such combat readiness cannot be maintained on a daily basis, it is too expensive.

He reminded that "we have been talking for ten years about the fact that the threat from Russia is growing".

"Deterrence is done with increased readiness, the higher our readiness, the greater the deterrence. Strengthening military capabilities has a deterrent effect", he explained.

Some 90,000 troops will take part in the months-long Steadfast Defender 24 manoeuvres, designed to test defense capabilities as Russia continues its war of aggression against Ukraine, NATO said.

The manoeuvres are designed to simulate the Alliance's response to an attack by countries such as Russia. The manoeuvres will combine a number of smaller-scale manoeuvres and will take place from North America to NATO's eastern flank.

They will involve 50 warships, 80 aircraft and more than 1,100 combat vehicles.

These are the largest NATO manoeuvres since Reforger in 1988.