Foreign Ministry's official stresses China's responsibility as permanent member of the UN Security Council to ensure peace and implementation of UN Charter

  • 2024-11-14
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has a special responsibility to ensure peace and the implementation of the UN Charter, Foreign Ministry's State Secretary Andzejs Viļumsons said at a meeting with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Deng Li.

The Foreign Ministry informed LETA that the political consultations between the Latvian and Chinese Foreign Ministries concluded on November 13 in Beijing.

Latvian and Chinese officials discussed bilateral cooperation, European Union (EU)-China relations, as well as regional and international security issues.

During his visit, Vilumsons also met with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to discuss economic relations between Latvia and China, with a particular focus on promoting export opportunities for Latvian products in China.

During the visit, he also met with Jens Eskelund, President of the EU Delegation and the EU Chamber of Commerce in China. At the end of the visit, the state secretary attended and addressed the guests of the reception hosted by the Latvian Embassy in Beijing to mark the 106th anniversary of the proclamation of Latvia.

The previous political consultations between Latvia and China took place on May 24, 2023, in an online format.