100 coaching sessions will be gifted to support the development of school principals in Estonia

  • 2018-01-17
  • EBS/TBT Staff

TALLINN - EBS and the non-profit organization named “Schools to Support Beginner Teachers” (MTÜ Alustavat õpetajat toetav kool) are making a contribution to the development of school principals during Estonia’s jubilee year by giving 100 coaching sessions to school principals in Estonia. 
Peep Aaviksoo, head of EBS Executive Education said that regular meetings with school principals whose daily work shapes the future of Estonia will be held in 2018 in the form of coaching sessions. “The coaching sessions are to support school principals’ personal and professional development. The participants will include 12 executive management coaches as well as school principals from Tallinn and Tartu, but also from small settlements, for instance, Väätsa and Pisisaare, who have a direct impact on the development of local communities,” Aaviksoo noted. 

“The importance of school principals in the development of our society cannot be overestimated,” said Triin Noorkõiv, the leader of “Schools to Support Beginner Teachers”. “It is them who shape the everyday learning environment in schools of Estonia, assuming responsibility for the development of teachers and students alike. We are really glad that this gift of ours will become a contribution to Estonia’s future and provide school principals as such with personal development space while its extent will allow true changes to be initiated,” Noorkõiv added.  

The purpose of the gift lies in maximizing the use of school principals’ personal and professional potential, setting development goals, creating action plans and providing support in their implementation. The idea of the gift was conceived by EBS Executive Education and “Schools to Support Beginner Teachers”. The schools to participate in the program are members or partners of the network of schools that support beginner teachers. The coaches to provide support to school principals have completed a training program certified by the International Coach Federation. They are experienced executives and experts in supporting people’s development in various spheres of life.

Additional information about the gift is available on the EV100 web page.   
The mission of EBS Executive Education, which provides executive training, is to improve executive management in Estonia. Estonian Business School, established in 1988, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. 
The non-profit organization “Schools to Support Beginner Teachers” (MTÜ Alustavat õpetajat toetav kool) operates with a view to supporting beginner teachers as they embark on their teaching career and to making sure that the numbers of young teachers increase. To reach the goal, the organization collaborates with various target and stakeholder groups.