Latvia accuses more Russian media of ’biased’ reporting amid conflict in Ukraine

  • 2014-07-25
  • From wire reports, RIGA

Latvia has placed two Russian TV channels and one radio station under review after claiming the organizations represent biased opinions on the Ukraine crisis.

The National Electronic Mass Media Council said it had begun reviewing administrative cases against the First Baltic Channel (PBK), Pro100 TV and Autoradio Rezekne.

The council said it was particularly looking into PBK's current affairs show Vremya.

PBK's spokesman Edzus Vejins told that PBK journalists are not involved in the creation of the said show, therefore they are unable to comment it.

Meanwhile, Pro 100TV is also suspected of administrative violations in presenting a biased opinion in regard to Ukrainian events on the show Kriminalinform. The council indicates that Kriminalinform's story on Donbas separatists featured solely the opinions of separatists and their supporters.

The third administrative case deals with "Autoradio Rezekne" show "Golos Rossii" where, too, biased opinions were voiced about the events in Ukraine.

According to the law, an explanation will be demanded from the channels.