Questions from readers: Comments to The Baltic Times Web site regarding the article "Modern foot care protects our health."

  • 2010-02-17
  • By Anastasia Alekseyeva. School of Aesthetic Cosmetology, lecturer.

AUTHOR: Iren / 2010-02-15  Hello. I would like to ask an expert -  is it really safe and correct to use a razor blade while doing a pedicure?

Anastasia: Basically, different kinds of blades are used while doing a medical pedicure. First of all, it is correct to use a razor blade if the person has any problem with the skin of the feet, such as calluses, cracks and increased sweating of feet. During the procedure a pedicure expert accurately removes the coarsened layer of skin, calluses and applies special medical cream. Thus the skin is not damaged.

If calluses have appeared on your feet, do not remove them by yourself at home. First, if these calluses are deep you can cause an infection. Secondly, their removal can cause growth of skin that will form even rougher calluses. It is more likely that a medical pedicure expert removes them gradually, not at the first visit.

Consider some advice in doing a pedicure at home. For example, dry, rough and crackly skin requires a foot bath of not less than 15 - 20 minutes with moderately warm water. If the foot is without cracked skin, 10 minutes in comfortably warm water is enough. When using the blade, do not overdo the foot bath, because it raises the risk of a cut. Remember that there are certain zones where you can use a blade. Estimate visually the necessity of using a razor blade. Cut off just the rough skin and check the softness of the skin by touch. Do the pedicure very cautiously.

AUTHOR: Marta/2010-02-15 I am suffering from diabetes.  Should I also do pedicure?

Anastasia: Yes, the medical pedicure is also indicated for people suffering from diabetes. Patients suffering from diabetes should not be afraid of a pedicure. About 25 years ago, a cut during the procedure could lead to serious consequences; now, however, everything is changed. The procedure for diabetes patients includes a foot bath for just 3-5 minutes, then a pedicure using the smallest blades which don’t damage the skin. Diabetic patients should examine daily their feet. Because of a decrease or loss of sensitivity, patients simply don’t feel that the skin is damaged; it can quickly get infected and heal poorly.