• 2009-07-08
The Lithuanian government once again takes the lead at promoting intolerance and hatred.  With new and purposefully vague law on the books denying the rights of homosexuals, the government is in the perfect position to prosecute anyone and everyone for the simple reason of being gay.  Of course, the law is so vague that even talking about homosexuality could get you arrested.  I am waiting for the thought police as I write this.  In many ways, I am reminded of that great bastion of democracy...Iran.  After all, as the president of Iran has stated, there aren't any gays in his country.  He probably just doesn't get out much. 

 Add to that the fact that the Lithuanian government comes up only with insulting restitution plans regarding Jewish property, and that it attempts to sell off Jewish property.  It also tolerates blatantly anti-Semitic articles in the mainstream media.  There may be freedom of press but does that mean the government must remain silent?  It does feel a lot like being in Iran.  Welcome to Lithuania my friends...a country where gays don't exist and Jews are not welcome.  If Vilnius truly is representative of the European Union as a capital of culture, then I feel very sorry for the state of culture in Europe. 

"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity."
Horace Mann

Wyman Brent
Vilnius, Lithuania


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